Nimbus Records

Harold Bauer, Ferruccio Busoni, Ignaz Friedman, Percy Grainger, Josef Hofmann, Frederic Lamond, Nikolai Medtner, Ignacy Jan Paderewski - The Grand Piano Era - CD (CD: Harold Bauer, Ferruccio Busoni, Ignaz Friedman, Percy Grainger, Josef Hofmann, Frederic)

Harold Bauer, Ferruccio Busoni, Ignaz Friedman, Percy Grainger, Josef Hofmann, Frederic Lamond, Nikolai Medtner, Ignacy Jan Paderewski - The Grand Piano Era - CD (CD: Harold Bauer, Ferruccio Busoni, Ignaz Friedman, Percy Grainger, Josef Hofmann, Frederic)

Harold Bauer, Ferruccio Busoni, Ignaz Friedman, Percy Grainger, Josef Hofmann, Frederic Lamond, Nikolai Medtner, Ignacy Jan Paderewski - The Grand Piano Era - CD - 1995 - Nimbus RecordsHodnocení stavu CD naleznete zdePodrobnější inofrmace o albu: Discogs IDJedná se o použité / bazarové zboží
