Lehoučké pádlo se silným záběrem, vhodné na WW a creeking. Karbonová žerď s klikou.
Odolné pádlo na divokou vodu. Technologie prověřená lety pádlování na nejtěžších WW terénech.
Odolné pádlo na divokou vodu. Technologie prověřená lety pádlování na nejtěžších WW terénech.
Powerhouse Softshell je zaměřen pro ty, kteří milují hory. Navržena s ohledem na akci, bunda je teplá, vyrobená z nepromokavé, větruvzdorné a prodyšné membrány 10000mm a 10000g/m2/24h a nabízí technickou kapuci, která je nastavitelná pomocí šňůrky a dá se složit. Bunda má odnímatelný protisněhový pás a kapsy pro uschování brýlí, dokladů a má i kapsu na skipas.
Taking advanced performance freeride and freerace to new levels. Morphing from 5 batten bump and jump to a twin cam powerhouse. For performance freeriders looking for the perfect freeride sail, whatever the conditions.
Taking advanced performance freeride and freerace to new levels. Morphing from 5 batten bump and jump to a twin cam powerhouse. For performance freeriders looking for the perfect freeride sail, whatever the conditions.
Taking advanced performance freeride and freerace to new levels. Morphing from 5 batten bump and jump to a twin cam powerhouse. For performance freeriders looking for the perfect freeride sail, whatever the conditions.
Taking advanced performance freeride and freerace to new levels. Morphing from 5 batten bump and jump to a twin cam powerhouse. For performance freeriders looking for the perfect freeride sail, whatever the conditions.
Taking advanced performance freeride and freerace to new levels. Morphing from 5 batten bump and jump to a twin cam powerhouse. For performance freeriders looking for the perfect freeride sail, whatever the conditions.
Taking advanced performance freeride and freerace to new levels. Morphing from 5 baten bump and jump to a twin camp powerhouse. For performance freeriders looking for the perfect freeride sail, whateever the conditions.
Taking advanced performance freeride and freerace to new levels. Morphing from 5 baten bump and jump to a twin camp powerhouse. For performance freeriders looking for the perfect freeride sail, whateever the conditions.
samostatná levá klika pro 4hran, délka 170 mm, stříbrná
Klika pro pitbike a dětské čtyřkolky pro motor 154FMI
Klika - kliková hřídel pro benzínové dětské čtyřkolky o obsahu motoru 49cc