Windproof, breathable softshell vest, perfect as an extra layer in windy conditions.
Windproof, breathable softshell vest, perfect as an extra layer in windy conditions.
Windproof, breathable softshell vest, perfect as an extra layer in windy conditions.
Windproof, breathable softshell vest, perfect as an extra layer in windy conditions.
Windproof, breathable softshell vest, perfect as an extra layer in windy conditions.
Windproof, breathable softshell vest, perfect as an extra layer in windy conditions.
Windproof, breathable softshell vest, perfect as an extra layer in windy conditions.
Windproof, breathable softshell vest, perfect as an extra layer in windy conditions.
Windproof, breathable softshell vest, perfect as an extra layer in windy conditions.
Lehká hřejivá vesta se strategicky umístěným polstrováním.
Versatile and windproof for mountain and ski tours.
Všestranná, větrudodolná vesta vhodná pro horské aktivity a skitouring.
Všestranná, větrudodolná vesta vhodná pro horské aktivity a skitouring.
Všestranná, větrudodolná vesta vhodná pro horské aktivity a skitouring.
Všestranná, větrudodolná vesta vhodná pro horské aktivity a skitouring.
Všestranná, větrudodolná vesta vhodná pro horské aktivity a skitouring.