Light, versatile insulating vest for mountain and ski tours.
A feminine touch with extra warmth for mountain and ski tours.
A feminine touch with extra warmth for mountain and ski tours.
A feminine touch with extra warmth for mountain and ski tours.
A feminine touch with extra warmth for mountain and ski tours.
A feminine touch with extra warmth for mountain and ski tours.
Light, versatile insulating vest for mountain and ski tours.
Light, versatile insulating vest for mountain and ski tours.
Light, versatile insulating vest for mountain and ski tours.
Light, versatile insulating vest for mountain and ski tours.
Light, synthetic insulation for mountain and ski tours.
Light, synthetic insulation for mountain and ski tours.
Light, synthetic insulation for mountain and ski tours.
Light, synthetic insulation for mountain and ski tours.
Light, synthetic insulation for mountain and ski tours.
Všestranná, větrudodolná vesta vhodná pro horské aktivity a skitouring.