Lightweight yet stiff. Capable yet efficient. Fun yet focused. Hell, if Goldilocks ever wanted to drop you, our money’s on her picking an Epic EVO Comp to do the job.
Lightweight yet stiff. Capable yet efficient. Fun yet focused. Hell, if Goldilocks ever wanted to drop you, our money’s on her picking an Epic EVO Comp to do the job.
Lightweight yet stiff. Capable yet efficient. Fun yet focused. Hell, if Goldilocks ever wanted to drop you, our money’s on her picking an Epic EVO Comp to do the job.
Lightweight yet stiff. Capable yet efficient. Fun yet focused. Hell, if Goldilocks ever wanted to drop you, our money’s on her picking an Epic EVO Comp to do the job.
Unrivaled suspension kinematics, sublime handling, perfectly-tuned frame stiffness—the Stumpjumper Comp is our fully featured, fully affordable, full-carbon, definitive trail bike. All-new geometry, all-new suspension, thoughtfully spec’d—it’s ready to take you wherever the trail may lead.
Unrivaled suspension kinematics, sublime handling, perfectly-tuned frame stiffness—the Stumpjumper Comp is our fully featured, fully affordable, full-carbon, definitive trail bike. All-new geometry, all-new suspension, thoughtfully spec’d—it’s ready to take you wherever the trail may lead.
Unrivaled suspension kinematics, sublime handling, perfectly-tuned frame stiffness—the Stumpjumper Comp is our fully featured, fully affordable, full-carbon, definitive trail bike. All-new geometry, all-new suspension, thoughtfully spec’d—it’s ready to take you wherever the trail may lead.
Unrivaled suspension kinematics, sublime handling, perfectly-tuned frame stiffness—the Stumpjumper Comp is our fully featured, fully affordable, full-carbon, definitive trail bike. All-new geometry, all-new suspension, thoughtfully spec’d—it’s ready to take you wherever the trail may lead.
Hledáš kolo, které tě podrží na trailu, stejně jako v závodním tempu? Tak už nemusíš, Epic Expert EVO.
Hledáš kolo, které tě podrží na trailu, stejně jako v závodním tempu? Tak už nemusíš, Epic Expert EVO.
Hledáš kolo, které tě podrží na trailu, stejně jako v závodním tempu? Tak už nemusíš, Epic Expert EVO.
Lightweight yet stiff. Capable yet efficient. Fun yet focused. Hell, if Goldilocks ever wanted to drop you, our money’s on her picking an Epic EVO Comp to do the job.
Lightweight yet stiff. Capable yet efficient. Fun yet focused. Hell, if Goldilocks ever wanted to drop you, our money’s on her picking an Epic EVO Comp to do the job.
Lightweight yet stiff. Capable yet efficient. Fun yet focused. Hell, if Goldilocks ever wanted to drop you, our money’s on her picking an Epic EVO Comp to do the job.
Lightweight yet stiff. Capable yet efficient. Fun yet focused. Hell, if Goldilocks ever wanted to drop you, our money’s on her picking an Epic EVO Comp to do the job.
Bezkonkurenční kinematika odpružení, perfektní ovladatelnost, dokonale vyladěná tuhost - Stumpjumper Comp má všechny trumfy. Díky všemu karbonovému rámu, nad kterým je radno slintat a který je doplněn bezproblémovými komponenty, získáte jedinčný Trail Bike.