Sherlock Holmes a Obří krysa ze Sumatry

Sherlock Holmes a Obří krysa ze Sumatry

POZOR: Poslední kusy, více či méně opotřebované z distribuce!

Pearson English Readers: Three Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Three Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes (Arthur C Conan Doyle | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishSherlock Holmes is a very clever man. When people have strange, difficult problems, they come to him. Where is Mr Hosmer Angel? Which student saw the exam paper before the exam? Why is somebody following Miss Smith? Can you find the answers before Sherlock Holmes does?

Pearson English Readers: The Return of Sherlock Holmes  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Return of Sherlock Holmes (Arthur C Conan Doyle | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishIn 1891, the great detective, Sherlock Holmes, disappeared in Switzerland while working on a dangerous case. Everyone thought that he was dead. But three years later, he returned to England. Holmes and his friend, Dr Watson, had many more adventures together. Three of his most interesting cases are in this book.

Pearson English Readers: Three Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes + Audio CD  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Three Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes + Audio CD (Arthur C Conan Doyle | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishSherlock Holmes is a very clever man. When people have strange, difficult problems, they come to him. Where is Mr Hosmer Angel? Which student saw the exam paper before the exam? Why is somebody following Miss Smith? Can you find the answers before Sherlock Holmes does?   Book and MP3 pack.

Pearson English Readers: The Return of Sherlock Holmes + Audio CD  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Return of Sherlock Holmes + Audio CD (Arthur C Conan Doyle | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishIn 1891, the great detective, Sherlock Holmes, disappeared in Switzerland while working on a dangerous case. Everyone thought that he was dead. But three years later, he returned to England. Holmes and his friend, Dr Watson, had many more adventures together. Three of his most interesting cases are in this book. This Pack contains a Book and MP3

Pearson English Readers: Sherlock Holmes Short Stories  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Sherlock Holmes Short Stories (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Classic/British EnglishIn these six stories we join the brilliant detective, Sherlock Holmes, and his friend Dr Watson, in a variety of exciting adventures. These include several suspicious deaths, the mystery of the engineer with the missing thumb, and the strange case of the two men who share a very unusual name.

Pearson English Readers: Sherlock Holmes Short Stories + Audio CD  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Sherlock Holmes Short Stories + Audio CD (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Classic/British EnglishIn these six stories we join the brilliant detective, Sherlock Holmes, and his friend Dr Watson, in a variety of exciting adventures. These include several suspicious deaths, the mystery of the engineer with the missing thumb, and the strange case of the two men who share a very unusual name.



Sherlock Holmes stopuje a rekonstruuje teoretický obsah moderní sémiotiky.______________________________________________________________________________________________________ edice: Hermés vazba: brožovaná formát: 20,5x13,5 cm, 226 stran rok vydání: 2015, vydání 2.______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Anotace: Sherlock Holmes se ocitá před následující situací: z dějin sémiotiky byl vymazán celý novověk a moderní tradice, všechny známky

Pearson English Readers: Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Boscombe Pool  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Boscombe Pool (Arthur C Conan Doyle | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishWho killed Charles McCarthy at Boscombe Pool? And why? Detective Lestrade from Scotland Yard thinks it was McCarthy’s son, James. Things do not look good for James. But the famous English detective, Sherlock Holmes, sees things differently. His friend, Dr Watson, joins him and tells the story. 

Pearson English Readers: Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Boscombe Pool + Audio CD  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Boscombe Pool + Audio CD (Arthur C Conan Doyle | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishWho killed Charles McCarthy at Boscombe Pool? And why? Detective Lestrade from Scotland Yard thinks it was McCarthy’s son, James. Things do not look good for James. But the famous English detective, Sherlock Holmes, sees things differently. His friend, Dr Watson, joins him and tells the story. This Pack contains a Book and MP3

Pearson English Readers: Three Adventures of Sherlock Holmes  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B1 - Level 4 - 1700 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Three Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B1 - Level 4 - 1700 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishSherlock Holmes is a great detective. There are few cases that he cannot solve. In these three stories we meet a young woman who is terrified of a mysterious ‘speckled band’, a family who think that five orange pips are a sign of death, and a banker who believes that his son is a thief. But are things really as they seem?

Pearson English Readers: Three Adventures of Sherlock Holmes + Audio CD  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B1 - Level 4 - 1700 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Three Adventures of Sherlock Holmes + Audio CD (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B1 - Level 4 - 1700 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishSherlock Holmes is a great detective. There are few cases that he cannot solve. In these three stories we meet a young woman who is terrified of a mysterious ‘speckled band’, a family who think that five orange pips are a sign of death, and a banker who believes that his son is a thief. But are things really as they seem?   This Pack contains a Book and MP3

FILMOVÝ PLAKÁT A3 - Sherlock Holmes a náhrdelník smrti  - Václav Požárek - 1968

FILMOVÝ PLAKÁT A3 - Sherlock Holmes a náhrdelník smrti - Václav Požárek - 1968

Originál krásného plakátu velikosti A3 z roku 1971, kterým okouzlíte nejen sebe, ale i svoji dámskou návštěvu. Na motýly se dnes už opravdu nezve, dnes je to na filmové plakáty. Sherlock Holmes a náhrdelník smrti (Fantastické dobrodružství největšího kriminalisty světa) Václav Požárek - 1968 V polovině lehce přeloženo, původní razítka s časem a dnem promítání, doklad doby. Celkově velmi dobrý stav,  lehce pomačkaný v okrajích, filmový plakát, západoněmecký film, režie: Terence Fis



NETRADIČNÍ ZÁHADA ZAMČENÉHO POKOJE | Doktor Watson stojí před vážným rozhodnutím: má svůj osud opět spojit se Sherlockem Holmesem, nebo zůstat u své lékařské praxe a vzpomínek na zesnulou manželku? Náhlé pozvání od přítele ze vznešeného rodu jej vytrhuje z přemítání a doktor vyjíždí na návštěvu do odlehlého venkovského sídla. Zde, uprostřed deštivé anglické krajiny, jej čeká malebně pochmurný, prastarý dům, v němž se sešla neobvyklá společnost – a zdá se, že každý z hostů skrývá nějaké tajemství. Odehraje

Pearson English Readers: The Hound of the Baskervilles  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Hound of the Baskervilles (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishSir Charles Baskerville is found dead just outside his home, Baskerville Hall. Many of the Baskerville family have died mysteriously. People say that they were killed by a gigantic devil-like creature – the Hound of the Baskervilles! Can that be true? And can Sherlock Holmes save the new owner of Baskerville Hall from a terrible death?

Pearson English Readers: The Hound of the Baskervilles + Audio CD  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Hound of the Baskervilles + Audio CD (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishSir Charles Baskerville is found dead just outside his home, Baskerville Hall. Many of the Baskerville family have died mysteriously. People say that they were killed by a gigantic devil-like creature – the Hound of the Baskervilles! Can that be true? And can Sherlock Holmes save the new owner of Baskerville Hall from a terrible death?   This Pack contains a Book and MP3
