Pressure reducing valve 3/4 , PN 25bar, working range 1-6 bar, T max.+40 °C, pressure gauge 0-10 bar

Pressure reducing valve 3/4 , PN 25bar, working range 1-6 bar, T max.+40 °C, pressure gauge 0-10 bar

Tlakový redukčný ventil so samostatnou vymeniteľnou náplňou.Telo chránené proti odzinkovaniu.So stupnicou pre manuálne nastavenie regulácie tlaku.Spoj na maticu.Max. vstupný tlak: 25 bar.Rozsah nastavenia tlaku na výstupe: 1÷6 bar.Max. prevádzková teplota: 40°C.Certifikované podľa normy EN 1567.S manometrom 0-10 bar.Pripojenie: 3/4 .

Pressure reducing valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 1  MM  IVAR.5360

Pressure reducing valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 1 MM IVAR.5360

Pressure reducing valve - with fitting and pressure gauge, IVAR.5360, Size: 1" MM, Packing: 5 pcs in bag / 10 pcs in box

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 1/2  MM  IVAR.5360

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 1/2 MM IVAR.5360

Pressure reducing valve - with fitting and pressure gauge, IVAR.5360, Size: 1/2" MM, Packing: 5 pcs in bag / 10 pcs in box

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 3/4  MM  IVAR.5360

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 3/4 MM IVAR.5360

Pressure reducing valve - with fitting and pressure gauge, IVAR.5360, Size: 3/4" MM, Packing: 5 pcs in bag / 10 pcs in box

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 5/4  MM  IVAR.5360

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 5/4 MM IVAR.5360

Pressure reducing valve - with fitting and pressure gauge, IVAR.5360, Dimension: 5/4" MM, Packing: 4 pcs

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 6/4  MM  IVAR.5360

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 6/4 MM IVAR.5360

Pressure reducing valve - with fitting and pressure gauge, IVAR.5360, Dimension: 6/4" MM, Packing: 4 pcs

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 6/4  MM  IVAR.5350

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 6/4 MM IVAR.5350

Pressure Reducing Valve - with gate valve and manometer, IVAR.5350, Dimension: 6/4" MM, Pack of 4

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 5/4  MM  IVAR.5350

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 5/4 MM IVAR.5350

Pressure Reducing Valve - with grip and manometer, IVAR.5350, Dimension: 5/4" MM, Pack of 4

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 3/4  MM  IVAR.5350

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 3/4 MM IVAR.5350

Pressure Reducing Valve - with screwing and manometer, IVAR.5350, Dimension: 3/4" MM, pack of 5

Pressure reducing valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 2  MM  IVAR.5350

Pressure reducing valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 2 MM IVAR.5350

Pressure Reducing Valve - with grip and manometer, IVAR.5350, Dimension: 2" MM, Pack of 4

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 1/2  MM  IVAR.5350

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 1/2 MM IVAR.5350

Pressure Reducing Valve - with grip and manometer, IVAR.5350, Dimension: 1/2" MM, pack of 5

Pressure reducing valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 1  MM  IVAR.5350

Pressure reducing valve - with fitting and pressure gauge - 1 MM IVAR.5350

Pressure Reducing Valve - with Fitting and Manometer, IVAR.5350, size: 1 MM, packing: 5 pcs PN 25,

Pressure Reducing Valve - with Fittings - 1  FF  FIV.08026

Pressure Reducing Valve - with Fittings - 1 FF FIV.08026

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting - 1 FF PN 25, T = +85 °C Adjustment range 0.5 to 6 bar internal - internal FF material brass CW617N

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting - 1/2  FF  FIV.08026

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting - 1/2 FF FIV.08026

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting - 1/2 FF PN 25, T = +85 °C Adjustment range 0.5 to 6 bar internal - internal FF material brass CW617N

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting - 3/4  FF  FIV.08026

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting - 3/4 FF FIV.08026

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting - 3/4 FF PN 25, T = +85 °C Adjustment range 0.5 to 6 bar internal - internal FF material brass CW617N

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting - 5/4  FF  FIV.08026

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting - 5/4 FF FIV.08026

Pressure Reducing Valve - with fitting - 5/4 FF PN 25, T = +85 °C Adjustment range 0.5 to 6 bar internal - internal FF material brass CW617N
