Plovák JP Super Ride Lxt Výtlak: 124 l

Plovák JP Super Ride Lxt Výtlak: 124 l

Positioned right in the centre of the popular freeride class, these boards are simply great all-rounders. With these shapes every rider can reach high speeds easily, even when not fully powered. Additionally, the boards have control in abundance, hence, they ignore chop and their performance seems to have no limits when the conditions get rough. Hassle-free freeride performance for everybody: They are fun to sail and a treat to gybe. What they provide simply is a Super Ride!

Plovák RRD Cult Y26 82 l Výtlak: 82 l

Plovák RRD Cult Y26 82 l Výtlak: 82 l

Plovák z naší sady. Super stav-skoro jak nový. Par krát jsme to jeli i v česku. Plovák je super ovladatelný. Včetně poutek záslepku a fin(3)

Plovák RRD FreeStyle Wave LTD 101 l Výtlak: 101 l

Plovák RRD FreeStyle Wave LTD 101 l Výtlak: 101 l

Super plovák s nose protectorem v 101 litrech. PLOVÁK, SE KTERÝM DOKÁŽEŠ ABSOLUTNĚ VŠE!

Plovák Patrik E-Ride Výtlak: 205 l

Plovák Patrik E-Ride Výtlak: 205 l

Poznejte nový plovák E-Ride - dokonalý vstup pro úplné nováčky. S jeho středovou flosnou je to nejlepší volba pro všechny školy surfování nebo pro vaši rodinu a děti. Jeho snadné ovládání vám pomůže rychle se naučit základy a užít si ten nejlepší zážitek na vodě. A to nejlepší na tom? S E-Ride můžete také wingovat a rozšířit tak své možnosti. Zvolte si E-Ride a zažijte nezapomenutelný zážitek na vodě!

Plovák Patrik E-Ride Výtlak: 165 l

Plovák Patrik E-Ride Výtlak: 165 l

Poznejte nový plovák E-Ride - dokonalý vstup pro úplné nováčky. S jeho středovou flosnou je to nejlepší volba pro všechny školy surfování nebo pro vaši rodinu a děti. Jeho snadné ovládání vám pomůže rychle se naučit základy a užít si ten nejlepší zážitek na vodě. A to nejlepší na tom? S E-Ride můžete také wingovat a rozšířit tak své možnosti. Zvolte si E-Ride a zažijte nezapomenutelný zážitek na vodě!

Plovák JP Super Ride Lxt Výtlak: 92 l

Plovák JP Super Ride Lxt Výtlak: 92 l

Positioned right in the centre of the popular freeride class, these boards are simply great all-rounders. With these shapes every rider can reach high speeds easily, even when not fully powered. Additionally, the boards have control in abundance, hence, they ignore chop and their performance seems to have no limits when the conditions get rough. Hassle-free freeride performance for everybody: They are fun to sail and a treat to gybe. What they provide simply is a Super Ride!

Plovák JP Super Ride Es Výtlak: 113 l

Plovák JP Super Ride Es Výtlak: 113 l

Positioned right in the centre of the popular freeride class, these boards are simply great all-rounders. With these shapes every rider can reach high speeds easily, even when not fully powered. Additionally, the boards have control in abundance, hence, they ignore chop and their performance seems to have no limits when the conditions get rough. Hassle-free freeride performance for everybody: They are fun to sail and a treat to gybe. What they provide simply is a Super Ride!

Plovák JP Super Ride Lxt Výtlak: 102 l

Plovák JP Super Ride Lxt Výtlak: 102 l

Positioned right in the centre of the popular freeride class, these boards are simply great all-rounders. With these shapes every rider can reach high speeds easily, even when not fully powered. Additionally, the boards have control in abundance, hence, they ignore chop and their performance seems to have no limits when the conditions get rough. Hassle-free freeride performance for everybody: They are fun to sail and a treat to gybe. What they provide simply is a Super Ride!

Plovák JP Super Ride Lxt Výtlak: 113 l

Plovák JP Super Ride Lxt Výtlak: 113 l

Positioned right in the centre of the popular freeride class, these boards are simply great all-rounders. With these shapes every rider can reach high speeds easily, even when not fully powered. Additionally, the boards have control in abundance, hence, they ignore chop and their performance seems to have no limits when the conditions get rough. Hassle-free freeride performance for everybody: They are fun to sail and a treat to gybe. What they provide simply is a Super Ride!

Plovák JP Super Ride Es Výtlak: 124 l

Plovák JP Super Ride Es Výtlak: 124 l

Positioned right in the centre of the popular freeride class, these boards are simply great all-rounders. With these shapes every rider can reach high speeds easily, even when not fully powered. Additionally, the boards have control in abundance, hence, they ignore chop and their performance seems to have no limits when the conditions get rough. Hassle-free freeride performance for everybody: They are fun to sail and a treat to gybe. What they provide simply is a Super Ride!

Plovák JP Super Ride Es Výtlak: 139 l

Plovák JP Super Ride Es Výtlak: 139 l

Positioned right in the centre of the popular freeride class, these boards are simply great all-rounders. With these shapes every rider can reach high speeds easily, even when not fully powered. Additionally, the boards have control in abundance, hence, they ignore chop and their performance seems to have no limits when the conditions get rough. Hassle-free freeride performance for everybody: They are fun to sail and a treat to gybe. What they provide simply is a Super Ride!

Plovák JP Super Ride Lxt Výtlak: 139 l

Plovák JP Super Ride Lxt Výtlak: 139 l

Positioned right in the centre of the popular freeride class, these boards are simply great all-rounders. With these shapes every rider can reach high speeds easily, even when not fully powered. Additionally, the boards have control in abundance, hence, they ignore chop and their performance seems to have no limits when the conditions get rough. Hassle-free freeride performance for everybody: They are fun to sail and a treat to gybe. What they provide simply is a Super Ride!

Plovák Patrik Micro Ride Výtlak: 115 l

Plovák Patrik Micro Ride Výtlak: 115 l

Přemýšlíte, jak motivovat vaše dítě k aktivnímu životnímu stylu a zdravému koníčku? Pak je tu pro vás Micro Ride - ideální dětský plovak na windsurfing! Díky středové kačeny se naučí vaše dítě základní kručky bez stresu a s lehkostí, a tím se zamiluje do windsurfingu. Navíc, s Micro Ride prknem na nohou, bude vaše dítě plachtit jako profesionál a s úsměvem na tváři. Nechte je prozkoumat nové hranice a zažít neuvěřitelné zážitky na vodě!

Plovák Starboard Evo IQ 74 l Výtlak: 74 l

Plovák Starboard Evo IQ 74 l Výtlak: 74 l

Použitý plovák od Starboardu IQ v 74 litrech. Super stav, včetně flosny a poutek.

Plovák Mistral Syncro 102 l Výtlak: 102 l

Plovák Mistral Syncro 102 l Výtlak: 102 l

Použitý plovák od Mistralu Syncro v 102 litrech. Super stav, včetně flosny a poutek.

Plovák JP Young Gun Magic Ride Es+Eva Výtlak: 112 l

Plovák JP Young Gun Magic Ride Es+Eva Výtlak: 112 l

Dětská puška od Jp pod názvem Magic Ride. Tento tvar je velmi široký a poskytuje stabilitu. This shape is very wide providing stability. Youngsters also get on the plane much quicker and initiating turns is easy due to the round outline.
