MC DUAL-MONO STEP-UP transformátor je perfektním partnerem pro řadu Cadenza
Ortofon new ST-70 Moving Coil transformer
The Ortofon ST-70 reserved for the discerning audiophiles and music lovers. The ST-70 combines the fine components along with world-class engineering, for unparalleled sound reproduction.
Starting with high quality Lundahl™ transformers, surrounded by a specialized mu-metal shielding, listeners can be assured that every detail in a complex array of notes is reproduced with utter purity, with freedom from internal and external sources of interference. These two items combined make the ST-70 transformer one of the quietest, most revealing transformers.Featuring dual mono design, the ST-70 provides discrete circuitry for each channel, resulting in the elimination of crosstalk and possible distortions. This results in cleaner, clearer reproduction with substantially increased stereo imaging. Regardless of the composition being played, the ST-70 expansive stereo separation provides lifelike realism, and accurate tonal balance devoid of coloration.
ST-70 configurations and technical data
Technical data Configuration A:Recommended cartridge impedance 5-50 Gain 24 dB at 1 kHzFrequency response 10 Hz - 100 kHz ± 1 dBRecommended load 47 K // 200 pF
Dimensions: 58 mm(W) x 135 mm(H) x 150 mm(D)Weight: 1.233 kg
Technical data Configuration B:Recommended cartridge impedance < 10 Gain 30 dB at 1 kHzFrequency response 10 Hz - 80 kHz ± 1 dBGain and frequency response at recommended load 47 k / 200 pF
Download the ST-70 Product sheet here
Download the ST-70 Userguide here
Terminal connections
To further minimize signal degradation and maximize signal flow, the ST-70 has been engineered using high quality industrial grade PCB. Additionally, gold plated RCA jacks with Teflon insulation provide optimal conductivity for use with high quality interconnects. Internally, the unit is assembled with an absolute bare minimum of internal wiring, preserving absolute signal integrity.
1. Output terminal for Right channel RCA plug2. Input terminal for Right channel RCA plug3. Grand earth terminal4. Output terminal for Left channel RCA plug5. Input terminal for Left channel RCA plug
The ST-70 applications
The ST-70 maintains compatibility with most Moving Coil cartridges by using internal jumpers to select between two gain/impedance options. This affords audiophiles with broad flexibility while still maintaining a clean aesthetic. The ST-70 transformer is the perfect partner for e.g. the Cadenza Series.Why use a transformer? Since the output of MC cartridges is low, higher gain is required to utilize it, such as that provided by Step-up moving coil transformers or MC phono preamplifiers. Although both devices provide this requirement, both are fundamentally different in function and in sonic character. This is where Step-up moving coil transformers are frequently seen as superior; they are completely passive and offer exceptional noise performance and sound quality.
Náhradní kryt hrotu přenosek Ortofon Cadenza/Windfeld/Jubilee/Kontrapunkt/SPU N stylus guard
Náhradní kryt hrotu přenosek Ortofon Cadenza/Windfeld/Jubilee/Kontrapunkt/SPU N stylus guard
Náhradní kryt hrotu přenosek Ortofon Cadenza/Windfeld/Jubilee/Kontrapunkt/SPU N stylus guard
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Speciálně navržený headshell pro řadu Quintet, ale i ostatní přenosky Provedení: hliník Možnost vodorovného jemného dovážení šroubkem Kablíky z bezkyslíkaté OFC OFC Gold plated Pozlacené koncovky Hmotnost: 15.0 g
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Mimořádně kvalitní vydání knihy ke 100. výročí založení značky Ortofon Pozoruhodná historie společnosti 1918-2018 V anglickém jazyce Tato kniha odhaluje pozoruhodnou historii společnosti, která po dobu 100 let vždy působila v oblasti akustiky. Ve skutečnosti je Dánsko samo o sobě považováno za zemi akustiky, přičemž pro řadu ostatních společností navrhuje inovativní produkty. Země si zachovává tuto reputaci dodnes. Ortofon hrál významnou roli při vytváření bohatého dědictví pro dánskou akustiku.
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