Magnetka s anglickým nápisem JESUS LOVES YOU – „Ježíš Tě miluje!“
Rozměry 7 × 7 cm
Na záložce je nápis v angličtině: „JESUS LOVES YOU!“
Magnetka s nápisem „Jesus is my best friend!“ (Ježíš je můj nejlepší přítel) Rozměry 7 × 7 cm
Na záložce je nápis v angličtině: „JESUS is the BEST friend you could ever have!“ Na vnitřní straně záložky je verš z Janova evangelia 15:14-15 v angličtině: Ježíš řekl:„Vy jste moji přátelé, činíte-li, co vám přikazuji… Dal jsem vám poznat všechno, co jsem slyšel od svého Otce. Rozměry 4,5 × 13,5 cm
Classic / British EnglishJane Eyre, a poor girl, leaves her cruel aunt’s house and goes away to school. Later, she becomes a teacher and works for the rich Mr Rochester. She loves him and wants to marry him. He loves her too, but he has a dark secret ...
King Lear is old but not wise. He loves the two daughters who secretly hate him. He hates the only daughter who really loves him. In time, he discovers his mistake. Has he learnt his lesson? Or will his proud and angry nature bring him even more sadness and pain?
King Lear is old but not wise. He loves the two daughters who secretly hate him. He hates the only daughter who really loves him. In time, he discovers his mistake. Has he learnt his lesson? Or will his proud and angry nature bring him even more sadness and pain?
Classic / British EnglishJane Eyre, a poor girl, leaves her cruel aunt’s house and goes away to school. Later, she becomes a teacher and works for the rich Mr Rochester. She loves him and wants to marry him. He loves her too, but he has a dark secret ... This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Magnetka s motivem betléma – tip na malý dárek k Vánocům :-) Rozměry: 7 × 7 cm.
Gwendolen thinks that she loves Ernest. Cecily thinks that she loves Ernest too. But who is Ernest really? What kind of man is he? Read this funny play and laugh. Or act it to your friends and they will laugh. This is a wonderful play by one of the greatest writers of his time.
Magnetka s obrázkem svíčky a veršem ze žalmu 119 – tip na malý dárek k Vánocům :-) Rozměry: 7 × 7 cm.
Magnetka s nápisem „BŮH NEVEDE LIDI ZA RUČIČKU, ALE ZA SRDCE“ - aforismus Pavla Kosorina Rozměr 7 × 7 cm.
Gwendolen thinks that she loves Ernest. Cecily thinks that she loves Ernest too. But who is Ernest really? What kind of man is he? Read this funny play and laugh. Or act it to your friends and they will laugh. This is a wonderful play by one of the greatest writers of his time. This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Magnetka s grafickým motivem svaté rodiny a citací verše z Lukášova evangelia. Rozměry: 7 × 7 cm
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy. Ariel is a mermaid. She loves human things. One day, Ariel sees a Prince. She loves him! She wants to be human. Can Ariel find a way?With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy. Ariel is a mermaid. She loves human things. One
Magnetka s biblickým veršem z knihy Přísloví 15, 3: „Oči Hospodinovy jsou na každém místě, pozorně sledují zlé i dobré . Rozměry 7 × 7 cm