Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers About Recycling and Rubbish

Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers About Recycling and Rubbish

A fabulous overview of what happens to our waste, from stinking problems and hi tech sorting systems to the importance of make less rubbish in the first place.

Lift-the-flap Very First Questions and Answers: What is mud?

Lift-the-flap Very First Questions and Answers: What is mud?

Okénková kniha - Co je to bláto? Obujte si boty a zjistěte, proč je bláto tak úžasné.

Lift-the-flap First Questions and Answers: Why should I share? - POŠKOZENO

Lift-the-flap First Questions and Answers: Why should I share? - POŠKOZENO

POŠKOZENÁ KNIHA - na zadní straně u hřbetu knihy je cca 1 cm trhlina (viz foto) Proč bych se měl dělit?

Lift-the-flap First Questions and Answers: Why do we need bees?

Lift-the-flap First Questions and Answers: Why do we need bees?

Why do we need bees? How do they make honey? And who’s who in a beehive? Children can find the answers to these questions and many more in this informative lift-the-flap book. With colourful illustrations, simple text and chunky flaps to lift, young children can discover lots of amazing facts about bees and why they need our help.

Lift-the-flap Very First Questions and Answers: What's Inside Me?

Lift-the-flap Very First Questions and Answers: What's Inside Me?

Okénková kniha - Co je uvnitř mě? obsahuje aktivity, které si děti mohou zkusit, aby zjistily, jak funguje jejich tělo rozkošné ilustrace oceněné ilustrátorky Marty Alvarez Miguens důmyslná okénka podporují aktivní účast při čtení knihy

Lift-the-flap First Questions and Answers: Why am I afraid?

Lift-the-flap First Questions and Answers: Why am I afraid?

Okénková kniha - Proč se bojím? nádherné ilustrace od Christine Pym zobrazují emoce povznášejícím a poutavým způsobem díky interaktivním okénkům a jednoduše psanému textu je kniha perfektním způsobem, jak s malými dětmi prozkoumat pocity napsáno po konzultaci s dětskou klinickou psycholožkou Dr. Sashou Lillie Lyons

Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers: about Our World

Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers: about Our World

A beautifully illustrated, geography book full of flaps to lift to find answers questions such as “When can I see a shooting star?”, “Where is the tallest waterfall?”, and “What are clouds made of?”.Over 50 flaps to lift answer who, what, when, why and where questions about the weather and seasons, countries and languages around the world, what the Earth is made of and lots more.With a map of the world showing many of the features mentioned in the book.

Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers: about Weather

Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers: about Weather

What are rainbows made of? How hot is the sun? When do hurricanes happen? Discover the answers to these questions and many more in this fascinating information book, with over 60 flaps to lift. There’s also a quiz, a make your own water cycle experiment, and Usborne Quicklinks to specially selected websites for more amazing facts.

Lift-the-flap Very First Questions and Answers: Why do I (sometimes) feel sad?

Lift-the-flap Very First Questions and Answers: Why do I (sometimes) feel sad?

Okénková kniha - Proč se (občas) cítím smutně? pomozte dětem pochopit a rozpoznat pocit smutku a najít užitečné způsoby, jak se s ním vyrovnat skvělá kniha, která pomáhá dětem a jejich dospělým mluvit o tom, jak se jim daří a co cítí s odbornými radami dětské klinické psycholožky Dr. Sashy Lillie Lyons ilustrace od nové ilustrátorky Amy Wilcoxové

Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers: about Dinosaurs

Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers: about Dinosaurs

A colourful guide with over 60 flaps to lift to discover answers to questions young children might ask about dinosaurs. Provides simple and friendly answers to questions such as “Why do dinosaurs have tricky names?”, “Could dinosaurs swim?”, “How big was the biggest dinosaur?” and lots more. Includes a guide to some of the more difficult to pronounce dinosaur names. With Usborne Quicklinks to specially selected websites where children can find out more about dinosaurs.

Lift-the-flap First Questions and Answers: What makes it rain?

Lift-the-flap First Questions and Answers: What makes it rain?

With flaps to lift on every page, this delightful book answers the questions that all young children ask about the weather, from Where does wind come from? to Why is it colder in winter? With surprising facts and weather forecasting tips, it makes a brilliant introduction to weather, which is a UK National Curriculum topic for Years 1 and 2.

Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers

Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers

An interactive board book with over 60 flaps, exploring all kinds of questions that young children love to ask. Children will enjoy lifting the flaps to discover who, what, when, where, how, which and why. Provides friendly, simple answers to challenging questions, with entertaining and informative illustrations. A perfect book to dip into – great for inquisitive little ones!

Lift-the-flap Very First Questions and Answers: What is poo?

Lift-the-flap Very First Questions and Answers: What is poo?

What is poo? Does everyone do it? And where does it all go? Children can lift the flaps to find the answers in this surprisingly charming book, and discover how much poo an elephant does, and what you can do with poo... There’s even a Who did these poos? quiz. A very informative little book!

Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers about Plastic

Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers about Plastic

What’s plastic made of? How does it get into the ocean? Can we live without plastic? Learn all about plastic, recycling and how plastic affects the environment in this revealing book with over 60 flaps to lift. There are also tips on how we can make a difference, and Usborne Quicklinks to specially selected websites for video clips and activities.

Lift-the-flap Very First Questions and Answers: Why do we need a potty?

Lift-the-flap Very First Questions and Answers: Why do we need a potty?

What’s a potty for? How do I wee in my potty? When can I use a big toilet? This entertaining book is the perfect potty-training aid to help children move out of nappies… and into pants! With over 30 flaps to lift, gentle humour and easy-to-understand text on every page.

Lift-the-flap: Numbers

Lift-the-flap: Numbers

This charming, lift-the-flap board book helps children learn about numbers with simple puzzles to solve on every page. Children can count the flamingos, zebras and monkeys at the zoo, find the cows on the farm, match rockets in space to their home planets and more - and lift the flaps to discover the answers.
