Příprava k nové maturitě. Get Ready for Success in English je nová moderní cvičebnice anglického jazyka na úrovni B1 podle SERR. Cvičebnice se zaměřuje na rozvoj komunikativních dovedností. Cvičebnice je vhodná pro výuku v kurzu i pro samostatné opakování a procvičování. Cvičebnice připravuje studenty na maturitní zkoušku z anglického jazyka. Cvičebnice obsahuje cvičení ke všem řečovým dovednostem: čtení, poslechu, psaní a mluvení. Cvičebnice obsahuje řešení ke cvičením a transkripci všech poslechových textů. Součástí cvičebnice je audio CD se všemi poslechovými texty
Ready for B1 Preliminary for Schools Přípravný test z angličtiny pro úroveň B1 (maturitní) 8 testů s poznámkami, audio ke stažení Ready for B1 Preliminary for Schools contains 8 full practice tests for the 2020 revised B1 Preliminary for Schools qualification. The first two tests also include stepby- step guidance on how to tackle each paper, including useful tips for candidates ensuring exam success. The audio tracks of the Listening Papers are downloadable through the ELI LINK app. Students can also
Contemporary / British EnglishThis is the funniest book that you will read about English people!Why are the English different from Europeans? George Mikes’ book describes the strange things the English do and say. And the English don’t get angry when they read the book. They love it! You will too!
Contemporary / British EnglishThis is the funniest book that you will read about English people!Why are the English different from Europeans? George Mikes’ book describes the strange things the English do and say. And the English don’t get angry when they read the book. They love it! You will too! This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Ready předplatné anglický časopis pro děti 5 čísel ročně, audionahrávky ke stažení a učitelská sekce se cvičeními a klíčem cena je konečná včetně dopravy - fakturu ručně upravíme časopis k nahlédnutí zde: https://www.elionline.com/eli-language-magazines/#0-2736-english
Ready učitelský set anglický časopis pro děti 5 čísel ročně, audionahrávky ke stažení a učitelská sekce se cvičeními a klíčem cena je konečná včetně dopravy - fakturu ručně upravíme časopis k nahlédnutí zde: https://www.elionline.com/eli-language-magazines/#0-2736-english Set obsahuje 5 čísel časopisu a tištěné materiály navíc
Pearson English Story Readers present all-time favourite stories carefully written and graded across four language levels for young learners of English. With 24 titles in 3 formats corresponding to age, there is a book to suit every young reader. Find out more at english.com/readers
Original / British EnglishIt is Lisa’s first visit to London. She is going to learn English. Then she meets Michael. And suddenly her English lessons are very exciting.
The English File fourth edition Workbook reinforces what is learned in each English File lesson, and can be used as extra practice during class, or set as homework.
Original / British EnglishIt is Lisa’s first visit to London. She is going to learn English. Then she meets Michael. And suddenly her English lessons are very exciting.
Gordie Lanchance and his three friends are always ready for adventure.When they hear about a dead body in the forest they go to look for it. Then they discover how cruel the world can be.
TUčebnice angličtiny, náročnost odpovídá středoškolské úrovni. Obsahuje konverzační témata probíraná na středních školách. Vhodná pomůcka na přípravu k maturitní zkoušce
Original / British EnglishNorma is always right. But has she got the right train tickets? What happens when Mrs Roberts has coffee with Mrs Price? And is David ready for his wedding? The answers are in these six sketches.
Original / British EnglishNorma is always right. But has she got the right train tickets? What happens when Mrs Roberts has coffee with Mrs Price? And is David ready for his wedding? The answers are in these six sketches.
Pearson English Kids Readers bring the joy of reading to young learners of English. Children will love discovering the range stories and topics in this series - adventures, fairy tales, popular characters, the world around us. With more than 70 titles across 6 language levels, there is a book to suit every young reader. Find out more at english.com/readers
Pearson English Kids Readers bring the joy of reading to young learners of English. Children will love discovering the range stories and topics in this series - adventures, fairy tales, popular characters, the world around us. With more than 70 titles across 6 language levels, there is a book to suit every young reader. Find out more at english.com/readers