Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3Ti-37 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3Ti-37 with frequency converter - RTS

Domáca vodáreň s ponorným čerpadlom 3Ti-37 s frekvenčným meničom VESSER pre nastavenie požadovaného tlaku v systéme. Použitie: regulácia na koštantný tlak v systéme prostredníctvom frekvenčného meniča VESSER čerpanie úžitkovej a pitnej vody z hlbinných aj úzkých vrtov a studní prečerpávanie nádrží zavlažovanie a postrekovanie zriadenie vodovodov pre rodinné domy, chaty, spoločenské a polnohospodárske objekty zásobovanie vodou automatické tlakové stanice vhodné pre domáce aj profesionálne použitie vhodné do nepretržitej prevádzky Ponorné čerpadlo 3Ti-37 má zvýšenú odolnosť voči piesku alebo iným abrazívnym látkam, ktoré sa vo vode môžu nachádzať. Ponorné čerpadlo s označením RTS znamená (Resistance To Sand = odolné voči piesku). Ponorné čerpadlo 3Ti-37 s plávajúcimi obežnými kolesami je určené aj do nových, čerstvých vrtov, studní, nádrží, vodojemov i zberných šácht. Toto čerpadlo je vhodné na zvyšovanie tlaku pri zabudovaní do rozvodného potrubia, ďalej pre domáce alebo priemyselné použitie, zavlažovanie či postrekovanie vodou. Hydraulická časť čerpadla 3Ti-37 je od motora oddelená (čerpadlo nie je postavené ako monoblok - v prípade poruchy sa dá čerpadlo jednoducho zdemontovať. Prípadná oprava (ktorú realizujeme my), nemusí byť príliš nákladná a je hlavne rýchla, čo je pri prípadnej poruche veľkou výhodou. Čerpadlo je vybavené tepelnou ochranou - poistkou. Ponorné čerpadlo 3Ti-27 je vhodné aj pre malé a stredné protipožiarne stanice alebo ako súčasť domácej vodárne s ponorným čerpadlom. Vybavenie a výhody: vodáreň s ponorným čerpadlom 3Ti-37 s frekvenčným meničom VESSER elektronická regulácia otáčok motora prostredníctvom zabudovaného frekvenčného meniča mäkký plynulý rozbeh čerpadla ochrana proti chodu nasucho a proti nízkej hladine ochrana proti prepätiu a podpätiu ochrana proti preťaženiu ochrana proti prehriatiu nerezová konštrukcia zaručuje dlhú životnosť a ochranu proti korózii zapuzdrený jednofázový motor plávajúce obežné kolá uložené vo vlastnom ložisku vhodné pre čerpanie z hĺbok viac ako 8 m; ponor 50m pod hladinu vhodné v domácnosti aj v priemysle jednoduchá montáž a demontáž domáca vodáreň s ponorným čerpadlom 3Ti-37– je záruka 4 roky, ktorá sa vzťahuje na čerpadlo Domáca vodáreň s ponorným čerpadlom 3Ti-37 s frekvenčným meničom VESSER obsahuje: Čerpadlo 3Ti-37 Frekvenčný menič VESSER IQ-E 2,2 kW Tlaková nádoba 8l s armatúrou Vsuvka 1 Spätná klapka 1 Prechodový kus s vonkajším závitom 32x1 2x

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3  STM 24 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 STM 24 with frequency converter - RTS

Use of domestic waterworks with 3 STM 24 submersible pump with frequency converter: regulation to a constant system pressure via frequency converter pumping of domestic and drinking water from deep and narrow boreholes and wells pumping of tanks irrigation and sprinkling establishment of water supply systems for houses, cottages, social and agricultural buildings water supply automatic pressure stations suitable for domestic and professional use suitable for continuous operation The 3 STM 24 submersible

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 - SDM24 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 - SDM24 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 - SDM24 with VESSER frequency converter for setting the desired pressure in the system. Application: regulation of the system pressure via frequency converter pumping of domestic and drinking water from deep and narrow boreholes and wells pumping of tanks irrigation and sprinkling setting up of water supply systems for houses, cottages, social and agricultural buildings water supply automatic pressure stations suitable for domestic and professional use suitable

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3  STM 16 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 STM 16 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with 3 STM 16 submersible pump with VESSER frequency converter for setting the desired pressure in the system. Application: regulation to a constant system pressure via frequency converter pumping of domestic and drinking water from deep and narrow boreholes and wells pumping of tanks irrigation and sprinkling setting up of water supply systems for houses, cottages, social and agricultural buildings water supply automatic pressure stations suitable for domestic and professional use su

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3  STM 20 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 STM 20 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with 3 STM 20 submersible pump with VESSER frequency converter for setting the desired pressure in the system. Application: regulation to a constant system pressure via frequency converter pumping of domestic and drinking water from deep and narrow boreholes and wells pumping of tanks irrigation and sprinkling setting up of water supply systems for houses, cottages, social and agricultural buildings water supply automatic pressure stations suitable for domestic and professional use su

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 - SDM33 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 - SDM33 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 - SDM33 with VESSER frequency converter for setting the desired pressure in the system. Application: regulation of the system pressure via frequency converter pumping of domestic and drinking water from deep and narrow boreholes and wells pumping of tanks irrigation and sprinkling establishment of water supply systems for houses, cottages, social and agricultural buildings water supply automatic pressure stations suitable for domestic and professional use suitab

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3Ti-27 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3Ti-27 with frequency converter - RTS

Application: regulation of the system pressure through a frequency converter pumping of domestic and drinking water from deep and narrow boreholes and wells pumping of tanks irrigation and sprinkling establishment of water supply systems for family houses, cottages, social and agricultural buildings water supply automatic pressure stations suitable for domestic and professional use suitable for continuous operation also suitable for new fresh boreholes, wells, tanks, reservoirs and collecting pits The 3Ti

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 2,5  STM 24 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 2,5 STM 24 with frequency converter - RTS

Use of Domestic waterworks with 2,5 STM 24 submersible pump with VESSER frequency converter: regulation to a constant system pressure via the VESSER frequency converter pumping of domestic and drinking water from deep and narrow boreholes and wells pumping of tanks irrigation and sprinkling setting up of water supply systems for houses, cottages, community and agricultural buildings water supply automatic pressure stations suitable for domestic and professional use suitable for continuous operation The 2

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3Ti-20 with frequency converter - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3Ti-20 with frequency converter - RTS

Application: regulation to a constant pressure in the system through a frequency converter pumping of domestic and drinking water from deep and narrow boreholes and wells pumping of tanks irrigation and sprinkling establishment of water supply systems for family houses, cottages, social and agricultural buildings water supply automatic pressure stations suitable for domestic and professional use suitable for continuous operation The 3Ti-20 submersible pump has increased resistance to sand or other abrasiv

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0,75 / 80l

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0,75 / 80l

Domestic waterworks with submersible spindle pump 3 SQIBO - 0,75 / 80l 230V is designed for pumping drinking and domestic water. The practical use of the submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0.75 / 80l is primarily in the fact that it can be used for pumping water from greater depths than 8 m. The domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0.75 / 80l is suitable for setting up water supply systems in family houses, cottages, summer residences, schools and farm facilities, as well as for the purpose of supp

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0,75/50l

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0,75/50l

Domestic waterworks with submersible spindle pump 3 SQIBO - 0,75 / 50l 230V is designed for pumping drinking and domestic water. The practical use of the submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0.75 / 50l is primarily in the fact that it can be used for pumping water from greater depths than 8 m. The domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0.75 / 50l is suitable for setting up water supply systems in family houses, cottages, summer residences, schools and farm facilities, as well as for the purpose of supp

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0,55 / 100l

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0,55 / 100l

Domestic waterworks with submersible spindle pump 3 SQIBO - 0,55 / 100l 230V is designed for pumping drinking and domestic water. The practical use of the submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0.55 / 100l is primarily in the fact that it can be used for pumping water from greater depths than 8 m. The domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0.55 / 100l is suitable for setting up water supply systems in family houses, cottages, summer residences, schools and farm facilities, as well as for the purpose of s

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0,55 / 50l

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 SQIBO - 0,55 / 50l

Domestic waterworks with submersible spindle pump 3 - SQIBO - 0,55 / 50l 230V is designed for pumping drinking and domestic water. The practical use of the submersible pump 3 - SQIBO - 0.55 is primarily in the fact that it can be used for pumping water from greater depths than 8 m. The domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3 - SQIBO - 0.55 is suitable for setting up water supply systems in houses, cottages, summer residences, schools and farm facilities, as well as for the purpose of supplying water f

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3Ti-15 / 60l - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3Ti-15 / 60l - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3Ti-15 is designed for pumping drinking and domestic water. The practical use of the submersible pump 3Ti-15 is primarily in the fact that it can be used to pump water from greater depths than 8 m. The submersible pump 3Ti-15 has floating impellers and thus increased resistance to sand or other abrasive substances that can be found in the water. The submersible pump with the RTS designation ( Resistance To Sand = Resistant To Sand ) The 3Ti-15 submersible pump is

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3Ti-20 / 80l - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3Ti-20 / 80l - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 3Ti-20 / 80l is designed for pumping drinking and domestic water. The pump 3Ti-20 can be used for pumping water from depths greater than 8 m. Use of the pump: the 3Ti-20 submersible pump domestic waterworks is suitable for setting up water supply systems in houses, cottages, summer residences, schools and farm facilities, as well as for the purpose of supplying water for spraying and irrigating gardens. Because the submersible pump used in this domestic waterworks

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 2,5  STM 31 / 60l - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 2,5 STM 31 / 60l - RTS

Domestic waterworks with submersible pump 2,5 STM 31 is designed for pumping drinking and domestic water. The practical use of the 2.5 STM 31 submersible pump is primarily in the fact that it can be used to pump water from depths greater than 8 m. The 2.5 STM 31 submersible pump has floating impellers and thus increased resistance to sand or other abrasive substances that may be present in the water. The submersible pump with the RTS designation ( Resistance To Sand = Resistant To Sand ) The STM 31 2.5
