DIVERTRON X 1200 M 6  submersible automatic borehole and well pump  DAB.DIVERTRON

DIVERTRON X 1200 M 6 submersible automatic borehole and well pump DAB.DIVERTRON

DIVERTRON X 1200 M 6 submersible automatic borehole and well pump

DIVERTRON 1200 M 6  submersible automatic borehole and well pump - special offer  DAB.DIVERTRON

DIVERTRON 1200 M 6 submersible automatic borehole and well pump - special offer DAB.DIVERTRON

DIVERTRON 1200 M 6 submersible automatic borehole and well pump - special offer

DIVERTRON X 1200 M 6  submersible automatic borehole and well pump + 1m suction set - special offer  DAB.DIVERTRON

DIVERTRON X 1200 M 6 submersible automatic borehole and well pump + 1m suction set - special offer DAB.DIVERTRON

DIVERTRON X 1200 M 6 submersible automatic borehole and well pump + 1m suction set - special offer

DIVERTRON X 1000 M 6  submersible automatic borehole and well pump  DAB.DIVERTRON

DIVERTRON X 1000 M 6 submersible automatic borehole and well pump DAB.DIVERTRON

DIVERTRON X 1000 M 6 submersible automatic borehole and well pump

DIVERTRON 1000 M 6  submersible automatic borehole and well pump - special offer  DAB.DIVERTRON

DIVERTRON 1000 M 6 submersible automatic borehole and well pump - special offer DAB.DIVERTRON

DIVERTRON 1000 M 6 submersible automatic borehole and well pump - special offer

DIVERTRON X 1000 M Submersible 6  Automatic Borehole Pump + 1m Suction Set - special offer  DAB.DIVERTRON

DIVERTRON X 1000 M Submersible 6 Automatic Borehole Pump + 1m Suction Set - special offer DAB.DIVERTRON

DIVERTRON X 1000 M Submersible 6 Automatic Borehole Pump + 1m Suction Set - special offer

S4 4/27 M KIT 4OL Submersible 4  Borehole and Well Pump - 2,2kW - 1x230V  DAB.S4 OL

S4 4/27 M KIT 4OL Submersible 4 Borehole and Well Pump - 2,2kW - 1x230V DAB.S4 OL

S4 4/27 M KIT 4OL Submersible 4 Borehole and Well Pump - 2,2kW - 1x230V

S4 4/14 M KIT 4OL Submersible 4  Borehole and Well Pump - 1,1kW - 1x230V - special offer  DAB.S4 OL

S4 4/14 M KIT 4OL Submersible 4 Borehole and Well Pump - 1,1kW - 1x230V - special offer DAB.S4 OL

S4 4/14 M KIT 4OL Submersible 4 Borehole and Well Pump - 1,1kW - 1x230V - special offer

PULSAR 40/50 T-NA Submersible 5  borehole and well pump 3x400V  DAB.PULSAR

PULSAR 40/50 T-NA Submersible 5 borehole and well pump 3x400V DAB.PULSAR

PULSAR 40/50 T-NA Submersible 5 borehole and well pump 3x400V

Submersible spindle pump SQIBO - 0,75

Submersible spindle pump SQIBO - 0,75

The SQIBO - 0.75 3 (3-inch) submersible spindle pump is designed as a durable, maintenance-free pump with a wide range of applications. Pump application: the submersible spindle pump 3 - SQIBO - 0,75 is designed for pumping potable and domestic water. The practical and versatile use of the submersible pump SQIBO - 0,75 is mainly due to its dimensions. This narrow pump can also be used in very narrow boreholes. The submersible pump is suitable for setting up water supply systems in houses, cottages, summe

Submersible pump 4SD 6-20 / 400V - RTS

Submersible pump 4SD 6-20 / 400V - RTS

The IBO 4SD 6-20 submersible pump has increased resistance to sand and other abrasive substances that may be present in water. The submersible pump with the RTS designation ( Resistance To Sand ) The IBO 4SD 6-20 submersible pump with floating impellers is also designed for new or fresh boreholes, wells, tanks, reservoirs and sumps. This pump is suitable for pressure boosting when installed in distribution pipes, for domestic or industrial use and for irrigation or water spraying. The hydraulic part of th

Submersible pump IBO SDM 3-23

Submersible pump IBO SDM 3-23

The IBO SDM 3-23 submersible pump has increased resistance to sand and other abrasive substances that may be present in water. The submersible pump with the RTS designation ( Resistance To Sand ) The IBO SDM 3-23 submersible pump with floating impellers is also designed for new or fresh boreholes, wells, tanks, reservoirs and sumps. This pump is suitable for pressure boosting when installed in distribution pipes, for domestic or industrial use and for irrigation or water spraying. The hydraulic part of th

Submersible pump IBO SCM 3-25 - RTS

Submersible pump IBO SCM 3-25 - RTS

The IBO SC 3-25 submersible pump has increased resistance to sand and other abrasive substances that can be found in water. The submersible pump with the RTS designation ( Resistance To Sand ) The IBO SC 3-25 submersible pump with floating impellers is also designed for new or fresh boreholes, wells, tanks, reservoirs and sumps. This pump is suitable for pressure boosting when installed in distribution pipes, for domestic or industrial use and for irrigation or water spraying. The hydraulic part of the IB

Submersible pump IBO SCM 3-18 - RTS 230V

Submersible pump IBO SCM 3-18 - RTS 230V

The IBO SC 3-18 submersible pump has increased resistance to sand and other abrasive substances that can be found in water. The submersible pump with the RTS designation ( Resistance To Sand ) The IBO SC 3-18 submersible pump with floating impellers is also designed for new or fresh boreholes, wells, tanks, reservoirs and sumps. This pump is suitable for pressure boosting when installed in distribution pipes, for domestic or industrial use and for irrigation or water spraying. The hydraulic part of the IB

Submersible pump 4SD 8-15 / 400V - RTS

Submersible pump 4SD 8-15 / 400V - RTS

The IBO 4SD 8-15 submersible pump has increased resistance to sand and other abrasive substances that may be present in water. The submersible pump with the RTS designation ( Resistance To Sand ) The IBO 4SD 8-15 submersible pump with floating impellers is also designed for new or fresh boreholes, wells, tanks, reservoirs and sumps. This pump is suitable for pressure boosting when installed in distribution pipes, for domestic or industrial use and for irrigation or water spraying. The hydraulic part of th

Submersible pump IBO SDM 3-18

Submersible pump IBO SDM 3-18

The IBO SDM 3-18 submersible pump has increased resistance to sand and other abrasive substances that may be present in water. The IBO SDM 3-18 submersible pump with floating impellers is also designed for new or fresh boreholes, wells, tanks, reservoirs and sumps. This pump is suitable for pressure boosting when installed in distribution pipes, for domestic or industrial use and for irrigation or water spraying. The hydraulic part of the IBO SDM 3-18 pump is separated from the motor (the pump is not buil
