CD Normal 15 kg

CD Normal 15 kg

Složení tohoto krmiva je založeno především na podílu drůbežího a vepřového masa jako základní suroviny živočišného původu a podílu rýže jako zdroje glycidové složky. Nejsou použita rostlinná krmiva, která mohou způsobit alergii (sója, pšenice). Při velmi

Jednotka BSI Ford Transit 8C1T-14A073-CG

Jednotka BSI Ford Transit 8C1T-14A073-CG

Řídící jednotka Ford Transit 06- 8C1T-14A073-CG lt;p style= box-sizing: border-box; color: #666666; font-family: " source sans pro",sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 19px 0px; >Jednotka BSI

lak HB Body 691+753 UHS set 1+0,5 l, lesklý

lak HB Body 691+753 UHS set 1+0,5 l, lesklý

Akrylátový dvousložkový čirý lesklý lak BODY 691 UHS (velmi vysoký podíl sušiny) pro profesionální použití s UV ochranou v setovém balení 1 l laku a 0,5 l tužidla Body 753 normal. Lak je doplněn o protistékací složku. Disponuje výborným rozlivem a vynikající mechanickou i chemickou odolností. Je vhodný pro lokální i celoplošné lakování.  tužíme 2:1 s tužidlem (Body753 normal) UV ochrana doplněn o protistékací složku vynikající mechanická i chemická odolnost výborným rozliv ředíme 10 - 20% HB Body 740

lak HB Body C493+753 HS set 1+0,5 l, mat (1 l matný lak HB Body C493 a 0,5 l tužidla 753)

lak HB Body C493+753 HS set 1+0,5 l, mat (1 l matný lak HB Body C493 a 0,5 l tužidla 753)

Akrylátový dvousložkový čirý matný lak BODY C493 HS v setovém balení 1 l laku a 0,5 l tužidla Body 753 normal. Disponuje výborným rozlivem a vynikající mechanickou i chemickou odolností. Je vhodný pro lokální i celoplošné lakování. Jeho teoretická vydatnost je 5-7m² při 50um suchého filmu. tužíme 2:1 s tužidlem (Body753 normal) vysoký ultramatový vzhled rychlé tvrdnutí výborným rozliv Příprava povrchu a aplikace Povrch před nástřikem důkladně očistěte od případných nečistot (rzi, tuku, oleje, p

Triko Roeg Logo t-shirt

Triko Roeg Logo t-shirt

The ROEG® t-shirt is made with 100% pure cotton for all-day comfort. The t-shirt has a normal fit with the Roeg logo in front or the back. Whatever you wear, wear Roeg! Fits: > Size L

Ředidlo HB Body 740, akrylátové, 1 l (2884)

Ředidlo HB Body 740, akrylátové, 1 l (2884)

HB Body 740 je normál ředidlo v balení 1 l pro 2K plniče, základy, akrylátové barvy a laky. Neprodlužuje dobu schnutí. Vhodne pro všechny barvy PMcolours!

Ředidlo HB Body 740, akrylátové, 0,5 l (2891)

Ředidlo HB Body 740, akrylátové, 0,5 l (2891)

HB Body 740 je normál ředidlo v balení 0,5 l pro 2K plniče, základy, akrylátové barvy a laky. Neprodlužuje dobu schnutí. Vhodne pro všechny barvy PMcolours!

Tester autobaterií BM550 digitální LCD, multifunkční, 6V, 12V, 24V (Tester 6V, 12V, 24V,  AGM, EFB, GEL)

Tester autobaterií BM550 digitální LCD, multifunkční, 6V, 12V, 24V (Tester 6V, 12V, 24V, AGM, EFB, GEL)

Multifunkční analyzér 6V, 12V a 24V autobaterií. Analyzér baterií BM550 umí efektivně otestovat všechny typy baterií. Aťuž je to obyčejná kyselinová baterie, EFB , AGM, GEL, apod. Otestuje baterie v autě, i vyndané z vozu. Vlastnosti:Ochrana proti přepólování.Měděné krokosvorky.Kvalitní kabel.Při testu se zjišťuje hlavně schopnost studeného startování (CCA) a proces stárnutí. Po provedení testu analyzér vyhodnotí stav baterie a doporučí další postup.Výsledky testu: DOBRÁ - NORMÁL - VYMĚŇTE (GOOD - NORMAL

Mikina Evel Knievel No. 1 sweatshirt black Velikost: L

Mikina Evel Knievel No. 1 sweatshirt black Velikost: L

Evel Knievel! Who doesn't know him or heard about him. This is man is a legend! He was best known for his long-distance motorcycle jumps: his 50-meter jump over Caesar's Fountain in Las Vegas on December 31, 1967, made him famous, though his fall caused a month-long coma. But now you can wear T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies with a print of the great legend. Made of 100% cotton and with a normal fit. Or choose one of the trucker caps and of course you can have your morning coffee wit Evel Knievel if you

Mikina Evel Knievel No. 1 sweatshirt black Velikost: XL

Mikina Evel Knievel No. 1 sweatshirt black Velikost: XL

Evel Knievel! Who doesn't know him or heard about him. This is man is a legend! He was best known for his long-distance motorcycle jumps: his 50-meter jump over Caesar's Fountain in Las Vegas on December 31, 1967, made him famous, though his fall caused a month-long coma. But now you can wear T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies with a print of the great legend. Made of 100% cotton and with a normal fit. Or choose one of the trucker caps and of course you can have your morning coffee wit Evel Knievel if you

Mikina Evel Knievel No. 1 sweatshirt black Velikost: S

Mikina Evel Knievel No. 1 sweatshirt black Velikost: S

Evel Knievel! Who doesn't know him or heard about him. This is man is a legend! He was best known for his long-distance motorcycle jumps: his 50-meter jump over Caesar's Fountain in Las Vegas on December 31, 1967, made him famous, though his fall caused a month-long coma. But now you can wear T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies with a print of the great legend. Made of 100% cotton and with a normal fit. Or choose one of the trucker caps and of course you can have your morning coffee wit Evel Knievel if you

Mikina Evel Knievel No. 1 sweatshirt black Velikost: M

Mikina Evel Knievel No. 1 sweatshirt black Velikost: M

Evel Knievel! Who doesn't know him or heard about him. This is man is a legend! He was best known for his long-distance motorcycle jumps: his 50-meter jump over Caesar's Fountain in Las Vegas on December 31, 1967, made him famous, though his fall caused a month-long coma. But now you can wear T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies with a print of the great legend. Made of 100% cotton and with a normal fit. Or choose one of the trucker caps and of course you can have your morning coffee wit Evel Knievel if you

Mikina Evel Knievel No. 1 sweatshirt black Velikost: 2XL

Mikina Evel Knievel No. 1 sweatshirt black Velikost: 2XL

Evel Knievel! Who doesn't know him or heard about him. This is man is a legend! He was best known for his long-distance motorcycle jumps: his 50-meter jump over Caesar's Fountain in Las Vegas on December 31, 1967, made him famous, though his fall caused a month-long coma. But now you can wear T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies with a print of the great legend. Made of 100% cotton and with a normal fit. Or choose one of the trucker caps and of course you can have your morning coffee wit Evel Knievel if you

Mikina Evel Knievel Motorcycles sweatshirt black Velikost: M

Mikina Evel Knievel Motorcycles sweatshirt black Velikost: M

Evel Knievel! Who doesn't know him or heard about him. This is man is a legend! He was best known for his long-distance motorcycle jumps: his 50-meter jump over Caesar's Fountain in Las Vegas on December 31, 1967, made him famous, though his fall caused a month-long coma. But now you can wear T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies with a print of the great legend. Made of 100% cotton and with a normal fit. Or choose one of the trucker caps and of course you can have your morning coffee wit Evel Knievel if you

Mikina Evel Knievel Motorcycles sweatshirt black Velikost: S

Mikina Evel Knievel Motorcycles sweatshirt black Velikost: S

Evel Knievel! Who doesn't know him or heard about him. This is man is a legend! He was best known for his long-distance motorcycle jumps: his 50-meter jump over Caesar's Fountain in Las Vegas on December 31, 1967, made him famous, though his fall caused a month-long coma. But now you can wear T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies with a print of the great legend. Made of 100% cotton and with a normal fit. Or choose one of the trucker caps and of course you can have your morning coffee wit Evel Knievel if you

Mikina Evel Knievel Motorcycles sweatshirt black Velikost: 2XL

Mikina Evel Knievel Motorcycles sweatshirt black Velikost: 2XL

Evel Knievel! Who doesn't know him or heard about him. This is man is a legend! He was best known for his long-distance motorcycle jumps: his 50-meter jump over Caesar's Fountain in Las Vegas on December 31, 1967, made him famous, though his fall caused a month-long coma. But now you can wear T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies with a print of the great legend. Made of 100% cotton and with a normal fit. Or choose one of the trucker caps and of course you can have your morning coffee wit Evel Knievel if you
