Leader horských výstupů v naší kolekci nepromokavých hardshellů, kterému by se díky svým rysům a vlastnostem těžko hledala konkurence.
Víceúčelová softshellová bunda z příjemného elastického materiálu s kapucí. Velmi kvalitní, dvojitě tkaný softshell zajišťuje dostatečnou větruodolnost při zachování výborné prodyšnosti.
Bunda soft-shell ONE WAY Tomeo Jacket Pánská softshellová bunda One Way Tomeo Jacket Materiál: 2 vrstvý thermo softshell. Bunda má 3 kapsy na zip. Vhodná na běžky, běh
První pánská zimní bunda od Armada Skis s nákrčníkem zabudovaným v kapuci, takže už si ho nikdy na kopec nezapomeneš. Lehčí pánská bunda Armada Ashford Jacket Blue 19/20.
Bunda soft-shell ONE WAY CATA JACKET Dámská softshellová bunda One Way Cata Jacket. XC-2vrstvý softshell s tenkou fleece úpravou. Klasický střih. Přední strana softshell, záda elastický prodyšný materiál. Jedná se o multifunkční tréninkovou bundu. Vhodná na běžky, běh, Materiál: Double Softshell
The Radical 28 backpack is the larger version of the Radical 23 and with an emphasis on protection and comfort.
Jacket with GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ with WINDSTOPPER® technology on exposed areas combined with highly breathable Dynastretch fabric - basically the perfect ski touring jacket.
Jacket with GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ with WINDSTOPPER® technology on exposed areas combined with highly breathable Dynastretch fabric - basically the perfect ski touring jacket.
Jacket with GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ with WINDSTOPPER® technology on exposed areas combined with highly breathable Dynastretch fabric - basically the perfect ski touring jacket.
Jacket with GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ with WINDSTOPPER® technology on exposed areas combined with highly breathable Dynastretch fabric - basically the perfect ski touring jacket.
Jacket with GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ with WINDSTOPPER® technology on exposed areas combined with highly breathable Dynastretch fabric - basically the perfect ski touring jacket.
Jacket with GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ with WINDSTOPPER® technology on exposed areas combined with highly breathable Dynastretch fabric - basically the perfect ski touring jacket.
Jacket with GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ with WINDSTOPPER® technology on exposed areas combined with highly breathable Dynastretch fabric - basically the perfect ski touring jacket.
Jacket with GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ with WINDSTOPPER® technology on exposed areas combined with highly breathable Dynastretch fabric - basically the perfect ski touring jacket.
Jacket with GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ with WINDSTOPPER® technology on exposed areas combined with highly breathable Dynastretch fabric - basically the perfect ski touring jacket.
Jacket with GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ with WINDSTOPPER® technology on exposed areas combined with highly breathable Dynastretch fabric - basically the perfect ski touring jacket.