Replika coveru desky skupiny Mercyful Fate od KnuckleBonz.
Fate (mág, který se vzdal magie) a Tutor (lovec démonů, který je už neloví) pátrají po dvou zmizelých mladících a jako vždy šlápnou do vosího hnízda. Zničehonic se ocitnou v boji na život a na smrt s mocným šlechticem, jeho psychopatickým synem, letkou čarodějnic, magickými asassiny a podzemními hrůzami guilských kanálů. Pátrání po pravdě je dovede až k Řezníkovi z Guile, který své oběti porcuje a v pytlích posílá po vodě do města. Ale nebezpečí hrozí i doma.
Decimus Fate je čaroděj, který už nepoužívá magii. Tutor je lovec démonů, který už démony neloví. Když je požádají o pomoc mniši ze zapadlého kláštera, kteří se stali obětí záhadné nemoci, jsou oba nuceni spolupracovat a vypraví se hledat příčinu a lék. Záhy však uvíznou v nebezpečné hře zločineckých bossů, zákeřných vrahů a bezohledných mágů, kteří čerpají svou moc z říše démonů. Dva muži s temnou a pohnutou minulostí. Naučí se jeden druhému důvěřovat?
It is the year 12,020 G.E. and Emperor Cleon I sits uneasily on the Imperial throne of Trantor. Here in the great multidomed capital of the Galactic Empire, forty billion people have created a civilization of unimaginable technological and cultural complexity. Yet Cleon knows there are those who would see him fall - those whom he would destroy if only he could read the future. Hari Seldon has come to Trantor to deliver his paper on psychohistory, his remarkable theory of prediction. Little does the young
Original / American EnglishTom breaks his leg in a football game — it’s not his lucky day! A week later, Tom sees his favorite movie star. But Tom falls again—and suddenly the movie star is falling too! Reporters are taking pictures of Tom. Is this his lucky break?
Original / American EnglishTom breaks his leg in a football game — it’s not his lucky day! A week later, Tom sees his favorite movie star. But Tom falls again—and suddenly the movie star is falling too! Reporters are taking pictures of Tom. Is this his lucky break?
Peter A. Flannery - začátek fantasy série o čaroději, který už nepoužívá magii, ale přesto se musí postavit mágům.
ANTIKVARIÁT - nehráno, v původním igelitovém potahu, stav téměř perfektní.
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy. Once there was a prince who lived in a beautiful castle. He was rich and handsome, but he was not kind. An enchantress changed him into a beast. To break the spell, he must learn to love and to be loved. One day, Belle, a smart, brave young woman, comes to the castle. Can she break the spell? Can she love the Beast?With the brand-new Disney R
Krycí barevně tónovaná AC-Color krémpasta je určena pro každodenní ošetřování aknózní a citlivé pleti se sklonem k zarudnutí a vyrážkám.
In a twist of fate, a Scottish doctor on a Ugandan medical mission becomes irreversibly entangled with one of the world's most barbaric figures: Idi Amin. Impressed by Dr. Garrigan's brazen attitude in a moment of crisis, Amin hand picks him as his personal physician and closest confidante.
AC-Color light krémpasta je určena pro každodenní ošetřování aknózní a citlivé pleti.
3D Vinyl od KnuckleBonz představuje cover desky Robot News.
This is a tale of a brave little alder seed that did not allow bullies to break its spirit and went on to overcome the hardship of its rocky promontory to grow into a big tree valued by all.
This is a tale of a brave little alder seed that did not allow bullies to break its spirit and went on to overcome the hardship of its rocky promontory to grow into a big tree valued by all.
The first edition of the book was written before the collapse of Lehman Brothers’ bank. It is all the more remarkable, then, that is it full of practical examples and guidelines. How can integrity be maintained in these turbulent times, when managers are under pressure to produce results and must at the same time take different interests into consideration? How to create a culture of integrity within a company? This is a guidebook for managers in how to lead ethically. The book is full of interestin